DAH Theatre is an independent, professional theatre company founded in 1991 in Belgrade, Serbia. It is a contemporary artistic collective that examines social issues built on the principle of social action and excellence in arts production and projects. The important objective is bringing citizens closer to modern theatre expression and arts related to theatre. Besides their own research, the DAH Theatre is directed towards permanent exchange of knowledge, experience and opinions among artists and theatre professionals of different national and theatre traditions. With more than 45 theatre productions, 10 European, 20 international collaboration and 13 organised festivals, DAH Theatre is one of the most enduring and successful theatre companies in the region. We are members of divers national and international theatre networks and are collaborating with prestigious universities from all over the world. More information here.
Fondazione Aida from Italy was founded, first of all, as a theatre production centre for children and young people. The creation of theatrical performances, their promotion and diffusion in the provincial, regional and national territory and also abroad represent its raison d’être. In 1987, Fondazione Aida was recognised as a stable theatre of innovation by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Theatre production activities have always been characterised by an openness to the new and to research, leaving room above all for new and young artists, who have decided to make theatre their professional vocation. Since 2000, Fondazione Aida has started a turning point, deciding to abandon a unique artistic line and to support, at the same time, a new and innovative approach.

The theatre is thus contaminated with visual art and computer graphics, with classical and contemporary music, with the great tradition of the Commedia dell’Arte and the theatrical languages of the 20th century. In this sense, the artistic production of Fondazione Aida is characterized by its openness to different aesthetic lines, by its inspiration to different theatrical settings and traditions. The shows are mainly aimed at children and young people (according to Fondazione Aida’s original vocation towards the younger generations), but also at the public at large. More information here.

Aeroplio theatre from Greece has artistic, cultural, educational and social aims. It is a non-profit organization that’s works with a more or less stable group of Artists. Every year about 4-6 permanent Management and Artistic staff and about 5-10 more that can alternate between projects according to the needs of each work.
Aeroplio in its 35 years of experience has developed unique artistic work and areas of activities related to the arts as means of Learning and social rehabilitation so much needed in our times.
The activities include: 1. Synthesis and organization of theatre groups with actors, pedagogues and animators, in order to create children performances, theatre activities, for cultural, artistic and educational reasons which will provide the aesthetical, critical skills and the sensitivity of the children and their fragile psychological world. 2. Publications for Children’s education in relation with theater and the Arts. 3. Organization of cultural activities and events, such as lectures, congresses, tours, cultural exchanges, theatre productions, theatre games and activities, video productions in order to provide the theatre art and the quality of children’s theatre in Greece, European and world wide. 4. Organization of every kind events, and activities, theatrical and not only in social and educational frame. More information here.
Action Synergy S.A. from Greece is a training and knowledge- based applications organization which is actively involved in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses. Action Synergy S.A. disposes a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects. Since its foundation in 1986 the organisation has participated in a considerable number of EU educational projects.

Key areas of expertise include: Organisation of education activities for the social inclusion of vulnerable target groups; Organisation of teacher trainings in relation with innovative training methodsq; Management, organisation and planning of transnational European projects focusing on education and training; Creation of links between Universities and enterprises aiming at the technological and regional development; Organisation of Mobility Projects; Organisation of e-learning and online learning courses; Organisation of courses related with the development of the employability of young people; Promotion and organization of Life Long Learning and continuous training programmes; Development of synergies at local, national and transnational level; Learning needs analysis’ Development of courses and modules making use of innovative methodologies such as: open/flexible learning methodologies such as open/flexible learning methodologies, elearning; Quality Assurance. More information here.

Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria (AYPB) is a non-profit organization designed to help young people and future professionals in social, educational and health fields. It has actively participated in the preparation of the 2020 Strategy for Youth European Youth conference & DG Meeting in October from 02 to 04.2010 in Leuven, BELGIUM and assisted in the creation of a National Youth Forum 11-14.03.2010 in partnership with the European Youth Forum. Currently the association has over 300 active members, 80 of whom are volunteers.
The organization provides individual and group psychological counselling and psychotherapy for persons of all ages and life situations. It organizes training programs, seminars, courses, lectures and trainings, we provide expert and methodological assistance in various spheres of public life. We work on projects for successful integration of children, youth and adults, including from disadvantaged groups- for example, migrants of different origin, the Roma, persons with disabilities and the unemployed through various methods such as social welfare, health, education, career development, psychological and social counselling and many more. We offer expert and methodological assistance and personalized trainings in various areas of public life where psychology has its place- social work, education, health, business, culture, sports, politics etc.
Our organization has a long-standing experience in the fields of social inclusion and integration of ethnic minorities, migrants and members of marginalized groups of all ages. We’ve worked on a number of projects concerning the prevention of social exclusion and isolation among children, youth and adults. We conduct research, organize seminars, discussions and charity events for raising awareness of good practices and methods in the areas of psychology, education, training, social inclusion and prevention of early school leaving (ESL). More information here.
ΙnSite is based in Hungary. InSite’s vision is to facilitate facing the most pressing problems of our times through drama and to enable changes in understanding of individuals’ concerning their values and stance; so that they are able to act responsibly in society and become active agents of change.
The organisation’s work affects primarily the youth and children age-group directly or indirectly. To achieve greater social impact we also work with teachers, decision makers, communities and higher education institutions.
The organisation works on an international level, primarily in Europe, but connecting to professionals worldwide. The organisation’s work is based on theatre in education and drama in education practices pioneered in the UK and the drama theory of Edward Bond, creating possibilities of dramatic engagement where participants can question their received cultural values and biases through situations, and make meaning of events freely to form their own values in relation to the problems under scrutiny.

The core values underlying the organisation’s work is consciousness of aims in the implementation of the projects, responsible engagement in different communities’ dynamics, thorough evaluation of all processes and a many-sided approach to the matter at hand.
InSite’s founders work as researchers and also as practitioners in a variety of youth and artistic projects in collaboration with public and private organisations in Hungary and abroad. They also have experience in working on policy issues on a national and European level. More information here.

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. On January 1st 2017, Bergen University College, Sogn og Fjordane University College and Stord/Haugesund University College merged to form Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). HVL is one of the largest higher education institutions in Norway with 16 000 students, offering Bachelor and Master studies primarily within education, engineering, health and social sciences. In addition, Ph.D. studies are offered in Bildung and Pedagogical Practises, Nautical operations, Health, Function and Participation and Computer Science: Software Engineering, Sensor Networks and Engineering Computing.
HVL host several research centres, for example CER – Centre for Educational Research, Centre for Care Research, Centre for Evidence-Based Practice, Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development, CASE – Center of Creativities, Arts and Science in Education, CACC – Centre for Arts, Culture and Communication, Centre for new media and KINDknow – Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures.
Cross-border cooperation through networks and international projects are essential to the efforts of HVL to strengthen the links between education, research and business for excellence. By seeking cooperation with high-caliber educational and research institutions, as well as businesses and other key stakeholders on local and international arenas, we aim to be a regional leading knowledge actor, boost expertise in our own academic fields and eventually build up sufficient expertise to achieve full university status. HVL have had success in EU-funds, NRC funds, Ministry of Education and Research funds, UTFORSK, Erasmus +, COAST, NORDPLUS, as well as local private funds. More information here.
Realstars was founded in Sweden in 2010 with the aim of ending human trafficking in Europe and being a positive force in society. The organisation’s efforts are focused on promoting awareness of gender-based violence and trafficking’s harmful impact on society, changing attitudes towards human trafficking, counteracting demand for such services and gathering opinions regarding trafficking to strengthen existing European legislature. We work through opinion-forming dialogue and campaigns and it is RealStars’ ambition to inspire other key actors, provide knowledge to change the course of trafficking and contribute to a Europe free from human trafficking. RealStars’ mission is to channel public opinion on the issue of sex trafficking and freedom and together bring positive changes to all women and men alike in EU. More information here.