Phase 1: Development of a handbook
At the first phase of the project, the Teachers handbook on the use of Participatory Theatre against Gender Based Violence is going to be developed (O1). This handbook will be a comprehensive document that will include methods, techniques, scenario examples and best practices related with the use of theatre methods for the raise of awareness related with gender based violence in secondary education.
Phase 2: Training course for teachers
The development of the handbook is going to be a very important milestone for the start of the 2nd phase of the project which is the online training course for teachers (IO2). The training course is going to be organised in a synchronous way (through zoom) but is going to be supported by asynchronous training material uploaded on the e-learning platform of the project. Face to face training courses are also going to be organised in each partner country. Two types of training of teachers is going to be organised. A training of teachers that is going to take place in each country in the national language and a training of teachers that is going to be organised in English with participants all over Europe.
Phase 3: Implementation in the classroom
The teachers that are going to participate in the training courses are going to receive a certification which will support their professional development. However, a necessary prerequisite in order to receive the certification is to implement in a pilot way the method in the classroom, document this implementation and provide feedback and conclusion from the implementation. Each teachers should implement the methodology in a classroom comprised of at least 15 students. The evidence of the implementation are going to be gathered in an Impact Assessment Report (IO3) through which the impact of the project to the students will be measured and useful conclusions and policy recommendations are going to be made in order to support the upscaling and dissemination of the project. This Impact Report will be made on the basis of the evidences provided by the teachers through the data collection instruments provided by the partnership.